This example provided in only designed to show how to use the 3A’s of Acknowledge Assess Act. The ACTIONS depicted are not necessarily the best responses. They are shown here to illustrate the concept of using a Visual, Verbal, or Physical response to a particular type of harassment from a particular type of harasser.
You are walking down the sidewalk during the day and a man starts complimenting you on how good you look. You continue ignore him and continue walking, but he starts to follow you and continue his verbal banter.
STEP #1:
ACKNOWLEDGE – Yes. He is directing his attention at you. What is happening is flatterying, commenting, and following harassing behavior.
STEP #2:
A. ASSESS the Intention - What is the Intention of the Harasser? Seek Attention - He wants to engage with you.
B. ASSESS the Harasser – What type named harasser does this type of behavior? Charmer Wannabe.
C. ASSESS the Environment – Other people around, but no one else is paying attention.
D. ASSESS yourself – You are NOT afraid or intimidated. You want to respond to and take control of the situation.
A. ACT with a Visual Response – You look at him directly and coldly.
B. ACT with a Verbal Response – You make a statement to the effect of "Do not bother me!"
C. ACT with a Physical Response – You look at him directly and coldly, you put up your hands and make a "move back motion".
The most effective response is a compound action that involves the combination of (A), (B), and (C).
These actions demonstrate Physical Assertiveness designed to deter the onset of aggression.
The ACTUAL response will vary depending upon the circumstances and the nature of the people involved. The idea is to provide a FLEXIBLE STRATEGY as opposed to a canned response.